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Welcome to your luxury stay!
Welcome to your luxury stay!
Stay Ibiza was founded over 10 years ago as a family business with a view to bringing Luxury Villas to the reach of as many people as possible, using the skills and experience of property renting built up since 1998 when the family bought their first property in Ibiza.
Having also lived & worked in Ibiza, Dave has gained many contacts in all areas of the tourism business which means we can offer a seamless holiday experience to even the most discerning traveller.
Vacation Booked! Having chosen the luxury villa for your stay, let us assist you with the extras required for a truly memorable Ibiza experience. From Fridge Stocking to booking a Private Jet and everything in between, our team will ensure all your tastes and preferences are taken care of. Click here to view our full range of concierge services.
Welcome to our AI chat bot – you can ask it anything about Ibiza, where best to eat and stay or where the nearest farmer’s market is. Always ring us to confirm our AI advisor’s advice.
Please share us with friends. Scan the QR code here to visit our website and your luxury holiday experts.